Refund & Returns Policy
We hope you are pleased with your recent purchase! Upon receiving your item(s), please inspect them and let us know within three (3) business days if there are any issues. You can reach our customer service team by email or phone at Solo Luxury Living ( or +1800 951 6808.
Please include a description of the issue and photos.
If you need to make a return, please follow the instructions below:
- The item(s) must be returned in their original condition (including packaging) within thirty (30) days of the receipt or purchase date, whichever is later.
To process a return, we require proof of purchase. This can include the original paper receipt, gift receipt, e-receipt, original packing slip, gift packing slip, or order number. Exchanges, credits, or refunds will be issued for the purchase price once the item has been inspected. Tax will be refunded in accordance with applicable law. Shipping and delivery fees are only refundable in cases of manufacturing defects or transit damage.
Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges for items that have been damaged by misuse or customer negligence.
If you need to cancel your order, we can do so as long as the item(s) have not yet shipped or within 24 hours of ordering.
Unfortunately, we cannot cancel custom or special order items.